If there isn't already a local group near you to join and support, a key part of changing the landscaping practices in your city, school district, or HOA is forming a strong team. Look for people with diverse backgrounds and try to include both men and women. Many times people have professional skills that lend themselves to grassroots organizing. Define roles for everyone based off their strengths. Create a social media and Internet presence for your group. This will help you gain support and share current information, as well as gain signatures for a petition. A logo can help people recognize what you are about, and make your group stand out. We can help you by providing one upon request. You are welcome to use Non Toxic Communities branding, but not obligated to. The advantage of this is that even though your group may be small, it signals that you are part of an established and successful national movement. However, a unique name may be better suited to your purpose. It's totally up to you and your team. Our purpose here at Non Toxic Communities is to support you and your group's efforts - and we believe running a group is best left up to the local advocates who know their community's unique situation better than anyone. Contact us to let us know how we can help!
Samantha Gervais
7/7/2020 07:26:38 pm
Hi, do you have a sample of what I could post to my neighborhood Facebook page to try and get people involved and informed on the importance of reducing/eliminating pesticides in my community? I Thanks so much for your help!! It is so amazing what you are doing! 7/8/2020 11:13:55 am
Hi Samantha, you should be able to find something suitable here on our documents page. Feel free to copy and paste whatever you need to get the word out to your neighborhood. http://www.nontoxiccommunities.com/documents.html Comments are closed.
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